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Are you looking for the best SQL Server Training institute in Delhi?

SQL Server Course at DSSD Rohini

Are you looking to enhance your data analytics skills and learn the fundamentals of SQL Server? If yes, then DSSD Rohini's SQL Server Course is the perfect fit for you. With our comprehensive course curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art infrastructure, we aim to equip you with the necessary skills to excel in the field of data analytics.

Why Choose DSSD Rohini?

DSSD Rohini is the best institute for Data Analytics in Rohini and offers the best SQL Server course near you. Our focus on providing quality education and personalized attention to every student sets us apart from the rest. Here are a few reasons why you should choose DSSD Rohini for your SQL Server training:

Experienced Faculty: Our faculty comprises industry experts with years of experience in the field of data analytics and business intelligence. They are committed to providing you with a comprehensive understanding of SQL Server and its applications.

Hands-on Learning: Our course curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning through real-world case studies and projects. This approach ensures that you gain practical experience and are job-ready from day one.

State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: We provide our students with a state-of-the-art learning environment that includes high-speed internet connectivity, advanced computer labs, and modern audio-visual equipment.

Course Details:

Our SQL Server course is a comprehensive program designed to cover all aspects of SQL Server, including data modeling, data warehousing, and data integration. The course is divided into modules that cover the following topics:

Introduction to SQL Server: The course starts with an overview of SQL Server and its features, including data types, operators, and functions.

Data Modeling: In this module, you will learn about data modeling techniques, including creating tables, views, and indexes.

Data Warehousing: This module covers data warehousing concepts, including creating fact and dimension tables, and using SSIS for ETL processes.

Reporting: In this module, you will learn how to create reports using SSRS and integrate them with SQL Server.

Advanced SQL Server Concepts: This module covers advanced concepts such as replication, performance tuning, and security.

Why Use SQL Server Course?

SQL Server is one of the leading database management systems in the market today. It is used by businesses of all sizes to store, manage, and analyze data. Here are a few reasons why you should use SQL Server:

Scalability: SQL Server is highly scalable and can handle large volumes of data with ease.

Integration with Other Tools: SQL Server integrates with other Microsoft tools such as Excel, SharePoint, and Power BI, making it easy to import and export data.

Reliability: SQL Server is a highly reliable database management system that provides data integrity and consistency.

DSSD Rohini is the best institute for Data Analytics in Rohini and offers the best SQL Server course near you. Our faculty comprises industry experts with years of experience in the field of data analytics and business intelligence. Our course curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning through real-world case studies and projects. We provide our students with a state-of-the-art learning environment that includes high-speed internet connectivity, advanced computer labs, and modern audio-visual equipment.


In today's data-driven world, data analytics skills are in high demand. The SQL Server course at DSSD Rohini equips you with the necessary skills to excel in the field of data analytics. With experienced faculty, hands-on learning, and state-of-the-art infrastructure, DSSD Rohini is the best institute for SQL Server training in Rohini.

Relational database concepts, specific products SQL syntax rules
Data definition, data manipulation, and data control statements Getting acquainted with the course database and editor
Clauses Eliminating duplicates with DISTINCT arithmetic expressions
Replacing null values Numeric operations, including rounding
Date and time functions Nested table expressions
Case logic Other expressions in specific DBMS Products
The INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements Column constraints and defaults
Referential integrity constraints Inner joins with original and SQL 92 syntax
Table aliases Left, right and full outer joins, Inner joins Self-joins
Intersection with IN, and, Between Sub queries Difference with IS NULL and IS NOT NULL sub queries

Alexzender Alex

CSE Teacher

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Sahbaj Gil



data analyst

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